Monday 10 October 2011

Holy Purpose

"Spirit,God,gathers unformed thoughts into their propper channels,and unfolds these thoughts, even as He opens the petals of a holy purpose in order that the purpose may appear." a quote from Science and Health with Key to the Scriputres by Mary Baker Eddy

Tuesday 20 September 2011

God supplies all our needs - my experience

Last year I had an opportunity to understand and prove that God really looks after our financial needs. I have had opportunities in the past to prove this however, I had never lost the fear of my supply, work or money running out!

Last October, halfway through the month, after many expenses had been paid I discovered that again my money was again running out and vertually nothing was left in my account. In the past when this had occured, I would worry and stess about how I would pay for further expenses for the rest of the month. That month I had finally had enough of this state of affairs and I determined that I really needed to pray about this as it needed healing in my thinking. I reasoned that because God is all, always supplying my needs and those of my family there was no reason that we should go without and cut corners each month. I suddenly realised that I did not need to earn His care, I do not need to plead and beg for more good. I suddenly saw that the lack I was experincing each month really was due to the fact that I had accepted and actually expected my supply to either strech further but eventually to run out. I had without thinking been accepting a limitation. But if God is really all, all abundance, always supplying my needs as he supplies food for the birds, clothes the lillies (I thought of Jesus' words in the Bible where he talks about not taking thought for the next day, how God clothes the lillies etc  see Mathew 6 :25-34). I was driving at the time and it came so strongly to declare out loud in the car that I was not going to accept that limitation. I was not going to carry on believing that I was limited in anyway. I decided that my bank account and my supply was not going to run out because money is only the symbol of God's care and that in actual fact His care had never stopped! I was not trying to find a material means of fixing my situation but rather stand up to the imposition the lie that God's good was not available to me.This may have seemed an illogical thing to do but it broke my sense of fear and brought home the truth as taught to me in Christian Science that all we ever have to do is change our wrong belief about something - change a mental gear if you like. I clearly understood that God had always been sustaining me and my activities, all I had to do was acknowledge it and really understand this fact completly.

It was interesting what followed from this moment of spiritual clarity. That October became the first month that I actually did not run out of money, my bank account had money in it right up to pay day! I also refrained from being tempted to use my credit card or spend money unwisely . Two months later I was offered a part time job which I enjoy and has helped us finacially and within a couple of months my income had more than doubled. My husband was also offered a salary restructure out of the blue which enabled us to better cope with our weekly expenses. My bank account does not run dry anymore but of course the blessing is that I am fianlly free of the fear of 'running out' of things or running out of supply! God really does sustain us and I am so greatful for His wonderful care!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Healing Prayers for England

When my family lived in the Middle East life was not always easy. There were times when our safety and well being definitely seemed to be threatened. During those times it was the prayers of our friends in the peace and safety of Australia that made all the difference. Those prayers lifted our consciousness above the problem to realize and experience protection. They inspired us so that solutions could be seen and applied.  That's what Christly ideas always have done and always will do for humanity.

England needs our prayers now. 

In the Christian Science textbook, Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, the discoverer of Christian Science says (96:31) ,
"... wicked wicked minds will endeavor to find means by which to accomplish more evil; but those who discern Christian Science will hold crime in check. They will aid in the ejection of error. They will maintain law and order, and cheerfully await the certainty of ultimate perfection. "

I suppose one of the major questions we all, of all faiths, have to "discern" is ... is evil more powerful than good? But how can it be, when evil is just a lack of good - particularly when the Bible tell us that God is good and the source of all goodness. To admit that evil is more powerful than good is like saying the darkness is more powerful than the light and wrong thinking to be more powerful than right thinking. It is to think that there is something more powerful than God.  Yet God's message to the whole world is:

"Look unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none else."  (Isaiah 45:22). 

Just as the light has all power over darkness, right ideas have all power over wrong thoughts and goodness has all power evil. And to think that God has competition from any other power is like thinking that if every man, woman and child banded together they could stop the sun from rising. Evil can never stop the appearing and presence of good - ever, it is an impossibility.

And where does goodness exist - in consciousness. It is a spiritual quality that is enacted through us all and to us all. Can man then be dominated by evil - either as a victim or a victimizer? The Bible tells us in Genesis (and Jesus proved to us) that man was "made in the image and likeness of God (good)".  God, who is the source of all goodness, is then the true source of our identity; our intrinsic selfhood.  This true identity is the Christ, our governing Principle.  Can we escape from divine Principle and act in a manner that is entirely opposite to our own true self? That's like thinking that 2+2 can decide to equal 3. We are what we are - that is wholly good, not a mixture of good and evil. Goodness has all power over us and within us. It is our conscience, our gut instinct, our subconscious, that voice in our thinking that tells what is right. But because this voice is God's utterance, not the human mind's, it cannot be overthrown or out shouted or ignored. God has no competition in governing His/Her likeness or expression.

In our prayers we can spiritually declare and deeply understand that where man is, God is and His Almighty Christly - and that means every man, woman and child on earth. Right where wrong thinking would do mayhem and violence, man brings to that place, peace and healing solutions. And evil has no power to dominate the good that is present, whether is be a suburb or a consciousness, just as the darkness cannot dominate the light. In fact the darker that night the brighter the light shines and the further it can be seen. 

(Isa 44:8) 8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

Our prayers then help to blow that mist away that would fool us into thinking of man as just a flawed, fallen being, capable of evil, so that we all can see the truth - the man of God's creating, wholly good and entirely loved. Our prayers turn on the lights so that the omnipresent good of God can be known, seen and experienced by all and the darkness of human thinking utterly extinguished.

Monday 11 July 2011

Exploring spiritual solutions to Carbon Tax fears

With so many fears and uncertainties being voiced in the media about what effect Carbon Tax will have on our ability to pay our bills, keep our jobs and sustain our industries, many people are feeling unsure of what the future holds.  But do we have to view change through the lens of fear?  Is there a more secure foundation on which to base our family’s and community’s future well being – one that is unshakable and that can’t be taken from us? 

Donna Fay, wrote this article having lived successfully through a very shaky period in her life and her ideas are very helpful in thinking about life with the Carbon Tax.

God supplies our needs
Donna Fay

Fears about the future, about financial affairs and housing, and the way in which costs seem to be spiralling upward, are widespread.  How do we face these fears and also pray about the suggestion that something can displace the natural harmony of what Science and Health (the textbook of Christian Science) terms “the divine economy”?

The Encarta World English dictionary defines “balance” in part as “a state in which various elements form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest”. A harmonious whole. Nothing out of proportion. That would accurately describe God’s creation (see Gen.1).

It’s helpful to look at how Jesus faced the problems of the day. His trust in God’s power and presence was rock-solid. He knew that since we are the very image or idea of God, we have to be just like the Creator of that idea: entirely free from mortal limitations and beliefs, and eternally functioning with perfect supply and demand, with a continuously harmonious flow of good.  The healings that flowed from his ministry were a proof of these spiritual facts.

Can we prove these ideas in our own lives? Absolutely! In my prayers, I’ve learned it’s best not to start with the problem and get preoccupied with trying to figure out how best to cope wit it or change it. That would be admitting that somehow God’s ever-presence and omnipotence either lapsed or was set aside by another power, situation or condition.

One year, when I was a schoolteacher, I was handed a pink slip at the end of a school year, a year when I had just purchased a new home and was taking on higher mortgage payments. The pink slip seems a big threat to my home and especially my peace of mind. There was no guarantee that they would recall me.  If I wasn’t recalled, I would likely lose my home.

A Christian Science practitioner helped me approach this challenge with more spiritual dominion. She reminded me of a hymn in the Christian Science Hymnal that starts out “Pilgrim on earth, home and heaven are within thee.” The end of that verse refers to the “pilgrim” as “cared for, watched over, beloved and protected,” by God, and ends up encouraging the pilgrim to “walk … with courage each step of the way” (No.278).

I had the summer to think more deeply about what home really is, and that it is not something that I was enclosed in, with four walls and furniture, fixtures and other things. Rather, it was an idea I include as one the “right ides that Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, says man includes. Certainly home is a right idea for us all. What exactly is home, I asked myself? I saw that it’s a form of refuge, shelter, sanctuary and a resting place. And these are all ideas that man includes as a result of what our Father-Mother God, divine Love, provides for us all.

Certainly God is able to maintain all the conditions that are necessary for a  harmonious and safe life; a life safe from financial challenges, and a sense of home that shelters as surely as four walls ensure a refuge from the outside.

The week came and went, and no calls or letters came, but I stayed with what I understood to be the real and only state of my home, an idea provided by divine Love.  Then, the night before teachers were to report to work, I received a call informing me I was going to teach again.

Throughout this experience, I’d been forced to trust God to maintain what He had provided for me in the demonstration of this new home. And I also had to see that my needs could be met without diminishing someone else’s supply.  I realized through this time that my life could never be ruined by economic conditions, contract negotiations, investments, or precarious financial affairs.  The prospects for home were not in the hands of persons or vulnerable to economic fluctuations.

Every need is truly met in God’s kingdom (and there is no other kingdom) because the abundance of all good is ever present and active.  Everything we learn in Christian Science affirms this to be true eternally.  And we can trust it.

Christian Science Sentinel
July 6, 2011

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Our Real Environment

We are faced almost on a daily basis with big environmental issues, they seem relentless. Global warming and climate change, violent weather and poor human practices are reported to be impacting both the natural world as well as the economy, even our own finances are being effected. It’s obvious that solutions are needed and needed quickly! Einstein said that, “you can’t solve a problem from the level of consciousness that created it”. Viewing environmental issues from a different point of view, a more spiritual one, can provide hope and healing solutions.

A friend of mine once looked at a natural problem from a different level, from a more spiritual view point, and found that it brought practical healing solutions. During a long period of drought, an acquaintance had rung very afraid as a bush fire was bearing down on her property. No surface water was left, the paddocks were parched and the fire had been steadily moving towards her for days and now it was only a kilometer away. 

As no material help was available, the friend wondered how she could help and realized that she had to look for spiritual solutions. So she took a more spiritual view of things. Instead of looking at the material scene she looked at the spiritual landscape. She saw that God filled those paddocks. The Bible describes God as Love and as being wholly good. Goodness and Love are spiritual, non-material, and so cannot burn. Seeing the paddocks filled with spiritual substance, not material, she suddenly saw that there was nothing for the fire to burn. And within half an hour she received a call to say that the wind had suddenly reversed and the fire had turned on itself, and having no fuel, it burned itself out and was now completely extinguished.

On many levels we are making attempts to be ‘greener and cleaner’, which is a vital step. However, thinking about the challenges that face us and the world need not be arduous nor distressing. For every problem there is a perfect solution and these challenges only present an opportunity for us to shift our focus from the apparent problems at hand - the material view of life, where things are limited, destructible, imbalanced and beyond our control, to a spiritual view of life and environment where all is harmonious, indestructible and entirely good.
An online dictionary defines the word environment as “the totality of surrounding conditions; the area in which something lives”. Where do we live? In the Bible, Paul states in Romans, “that in Him we live, and move, and have our being” (Act 17:28), he also says that to be “spiritually minded is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).  He makes a clear distinction between being carnally minded [materially minded] and spiritually minded.

Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is “within us”; is within our thinking; it is a spiritualized state of consciousness. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science describes this heavenly state of consciousness as “the reign of harmony” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures pg 590:1). The Bible tells us that God is “all in all” (Eph 1:23). God is therefore the only real power, Love, Principle, Mind, intelligence, substance, Truth, Spirit there is. The kingdom of heaven must then be the ‘totality’ of these conditions; must be the total consciousness of all goodness, perfection, supply, balance etc. This must be our environment.

Can we now start to envisage our environment to be so much more than merely material (carnal)? Can we now start to see that our true environment is a divine state of consciousness?

If God is all Mind, and there is no other consciousness, what is this perfect Mind conscious of? What consciousness can we have then as His creation, His reflection? Can we ever be conscious of anything else, can we ever be out of His environment? I suppose it’s easier said than done, but, if we understood that right at this very moment, that we are spiritual and an integral part of God’s perfectly harmonious spiritual creation, never separated from Him, not even able to think anything He cannot think then where can all the problems exist? The solution then to all our problems is seeing the earth and our environment as spiritual. In God’s environment there is balance, harmony and regeneration because God is always in control, lovingly supporting and maintaining His creation. Because God is spiritual and eternal then His creation must reflect this, our environment must eternal, unending, never dying – extinction cannot logically occur there. Since God is good and loving he cares for His creation, for us and our environment and gives us the ideas we need to take better care of it. The totality of God’s environment must be all bliss, perfection, unity, beauty, principle, soul, love, agility, diversity, eternality, continuation and progression. Therefore turning to our loving Father-Mother God is all the help we need and the right ideas which will sustain good environmental practices will become conscious to us. Truly seeing that our environment is spiritual and related to our thinking and choosing spirituality over materiality will bring us into the kingdom of heaven, the reign of all harmony. Material thinking pollutes, spiritual thinking elevates and regenerates. In times like these this hymn (Hymn 145, Christian Science Hymnal) seems to say it better than I can:

“In atmosphere of Love divine,
We live, and move, and breathe;
Though mortal eyes may see it not,
‘Tis sense that would deceive.

The mortal sense we must destroy,
If we would bring to light
The wonders of eternal Mind,
Where sense is lost in sight.

For God immortal Principle,
Is with us everywhere;
He holds us perfect in His love,
And we His image bear.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Question for the week

Would the recognition that we are all governed by the same God, even though we may worship differently, help stop the friction between religions?

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Doctrine of Atonement

1 Timothy 2:5 there

"...there is one God, and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus;"