Tuesday 20 September 2011

God supplies all our needs - my experience

Last year I had an opportunity to understand and prove that God really looks after our financial needs. I have had opportunities in the past to prove this however, I had never lost the fear of my supply, work or money running out!

Last October, halfway through the month, after many expenses had been paid I discovered that again my money was again running out and vertually nothing was left in my account. In the past when this had occured, I would worry and stess about how I would pay for further expenses for the rest of the month. That month I had finally had enough of this state of affairs and I determined that I really needed to pray about this as it needed healing in my thinking. I reasoned that because God is all, always supplying my needs and those of my family there was no reason that we should go without and cut corners each month. I suddenly realised that I did not need to earn His care, I do not need to plead and beg for more good. I suddenly saw that the lack I was experincing each month really was due to the fact that I had accepted and actually expected my supply to either strech further but eventually to run out. I had without thinking been accepting a limitation. But if God is really all, all abundance, always supplying my needs as he supplies food for the birds, clothes the lillies (I thought of Jesus' words in the Bible where he talks about not taking thought for the next day, how God clothes the lillies etc  see Mathew 6 :25-34). I was driving at the time and it came so strongly to declare out loud in the car that I was not going to accept that limitation. I was not going to carry on believing that I was limited in anyway. I decided that my bank account and my supply was not going to run out because money is only the symbol of God's care and that in actual fact His care had never stopped! I was not trying to find a material means of fixing my situation but rather stand up to the imposition the lie that God's good was not available to me.This may have seemed an illogical thing to do but it broke my sense of fear and brought home the truth as taught to me in Christian Science that all we ever have to do is change our wrong belief about something - change a mental gear if you like. I clearly understood that God had always been sustaining me and my activities, all I had to do was acknowledge it and really understand this fact completly.

It was interesting what followed from this moment of spiritual clarity. That October became the first month that I actually did not run out of money, my bank account had money in it right up to pay day! I also refrained from being tempted to use my credit card or spend money unwisely . Two months later I was offered a part time job which I enjoy and has helped us finacially and within a couple of months my income had more than doubled. My husband was also offered a salary restructure out of the blue which enabled us to better cope with our weekly expenses. My bank account does not run dry anymore but of course the blessing is that I am fianlly free of the fear of 'running out' of things or running out of supply! God really does sustain us and I am so greatful for His wonderful care!

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